
Тема: Photophobia

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Sven Tali
The Kaliningrad Branch of the National Centre for Contemporary Arts

The Kaliningrad Branch of the National Centre for Contemporary Arts


P.O. Box 1582, Kaliningrad, 236000, Russia
Tel./ fax +7 (4012) 595105, +7 (4012) 595107, tel. +7 (4012) 595109
e-mail: center@ncca.koenig.su


Presentation of photo-multimedia program within the framework of
International Biennial of Professional and Amateur Photography

Organizer: Kaliningrad Branch of the National Centre for Contemporary Arts

Program manager: Yevgeny Umansky

Curator: Elena Gladkova

Place and time of implementation: Kaliningrad Art Gallery, February 2007

Description of the project:

Program "Photophobia", slide-show of photo-multimedia projects, is realized
in cooperation with the Kaliningrad Union of Photographers within the
framework of International Biennial of Professional and Amateur Photography
"Photomania-2007". The slide-show will be part of the permanent exposition
in the Kaliningrad Art Gallery.

In 2007 the "Photomania" biennial will be organized for the third time by:
the Ministry of Culture of the Kaliningrad Region, Kaliningrad Union of
Photographers, Russian Union of Photographers, Kaliningrad Art Gallery.

The aim of the project is to stimulate development of the art of photography
in Kaliningrad, creative potential of amateur photographers, preservation
and expansion of historical and cultural heritage of the region, new
contacts with cultural communities in Russia and abroad, etc. The main
events of the project: open competition and exhibition. Above these the
project presupposes workshops and seminars on theory and practice. It's
planned to make a web-site and publish a catalogue of the biennial.


The "Photophobia" project does not aim to refuse from photography as art
form, - the title is an invitation to reflect on contemporary photography
and forms of its existence and representation. Technologies allow refusing
from traditional printing and creating multimedia projects with sound,
subtitles, special effects, etc.

"Photophobia" is:

- a fear to freeze on a gallery wall in the form of a print,

- access for wider audience due to new media,

- aspiration to new forms of existence of photography,

- democratic approach and absence of professional restrictions

- photography as therapeutic phenomenon

Conditions of participation:

Photographers and invited curators participate with their photo-multimedia

We accept authors and group projects based on one subject, idea, aesthetics,
on digital carriers (DVD, CD) up to 10 multimedia projects. The projects are
accepted in the form of ready presentations/films from 3 to 5 minutes, with
sound track (preferred format avi, or Power Point - please note that we do
not accept other formats), and titles (including the name of the
author/group, title of the project/series of photographs, place and year of
production). Preferred resolution of photographs is 1000x800 pixels.

Deadline - December 1, 2006

Contact: elenam@ncca.koenig.ru (Elena Gladkova - project curator)

Submit applications to: 236000, Russia, Kaliningrad, P.O. Box 1582

The works submitted and included into the project "Photophobia" will be
uploaded to the web-site of KB NCCA and Biennial "Photomania", they also can
be included in electronic and printed catalogue of the exhibition
"Photomania-2007", and kept in the media-archive of the branch and won't be
exploited for profit, but within the framework of the non-profit activity of
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